31031 R1
4.2. Transport Preparation
1. It is not recommended that the auger be transported faster than 20 mph (32 km/h).
Table 2
references the
acceptable transport speed as per the ratio of tractor weight versus auger weight. See Specifications for
auger weights.
A weight imbalance between the and the towing vehicle could result in a collision from
reduced stability, handling, and braking ability.
2. Ensure the auger will clear any overhead obstructions or electrical wires prior to transporting. Refer to
Specifications for the transport height of your auger.
3. Longer augers have a large turning radius. Allow ample room for turning as the discharge end may swing
dramatically. Allow all oncoming traffic to pass before turning right or left.
A collision with an oncoming vehicle could occur if the auger discharge swings into the
opposing lane.
Table 2.
Speed versus Weight Ratio
Road Speed
Weight or fully equipped or loaded implement(s)
relative to weight of towing machine
Up to 32 km/h (20 mph)
1 to 1, or less
Up to 16 km/h (10 mph)
2 to 1, or less
Do not tow if
More than 2 to 1
4.3. Prepare the Mover Kit for Transport
When equipped with a Mover Kit:
1. Attach the hitch to the auger intake (if removed).
2. Fully raise the mover frame by retracting the hydraulic cylinder and secure using the transport chain.
Figure 8.
Mover Kit Transport Chain