Westerstrand Sportsystem
Dokument: 4320en01.docx
Förf.: CF
BASIC LED190/150
Datum: 2019-10-24
Sida: 4 av 14
Main Settings
By selecting [Menu] from the start screen, a number of settings can be changed.
Select Extra Modules
If there are extra modules to show penalties, fouls or player scores, they must be activated in the remote control.
This is normally set at delivery. Select [Modules] to activate or inactivate a module. The following modules
Penalty Module – Module for showing individual penalties.
Foul Module – Module for showing individual fouls.
Player Stats Module – Boards for showing player score in basketball and handball. If player score shall
only be shown in basketball, the module can be inactivated in the sport settings for handball by
selecting [Menu]
[Sport Settings]
[Player Stats Module].
Depending on which modules are activated, different functions are available in the remote control.
Under the modules settings, the system type, ”Basic LED190/250” or ”Basic LED300”, can be set. This is set at
delivery and should not be changed.
Change Language
To change the language, press [Change Language] and then select the correct language.
Button Sound
Normally, the remote control will make a sound each time a button is pressed. This sound can be turned off or
on with the [Button Beep] button. Next to the button label the current status is shown: “On” if the button sound
is on and “Off” is the sound is off.
även efter att manöverapparaten startats om. För att tillfälligt ändra en inställning, starta först en match och gå in
i sportinställningar i matchmenyn. Inställningen kommer då bara att finnas kvar tills matchen avslutas.
Change the Light Intensity for the Remote Control
The light intensity for the remote control display can be changed by selecting [Display Brightness] The intensity
can be set from 5-95%. Enter a value and press [Ok] to accept or [Cancel] to go back without saving the
changes. Changing the light intensity will affect the battery time.
Segment Test
A segment test can be used to check that the scoreboards work. During the test, all digits on the scoreboards will
count up from 0 to 9 and then start over from 0. To start the test, select [Segment Test] and then [On]. Press
[Off] to stop the test. The test must be stopped with the [Off] button before the board can be used normally
Sport Settings
A number of settings for each sport can be changed permanently by selecting [Sport Settings] and then selecting
the sport. Then select the setting to change. The settings will be saved and remain even after the remote control
has been restarted. To temporarily change a setting, first start a match and then use the [Sport Settings] menu
from there. The settings will then be restored when the sport is exited.