Westerstrand Sportsystem
Dokument: 4320en01.docx
Förf.: CF
BASIC LED190/150
Datum: 2019-10-24
Sida: 3 av 14
This document describes the use of the Westerstrand remote control for BASIC LED Scoreboards. There are
two variants of the remote control, one wired and one wireless.
The remote control has a TFT display and a number of buttons. Some buttons have specific functions, for
example [Start], [Stop] and the numeric buttons. The ten buttons surrounding the TFT-display will change
behaviour depending what is shown on the display. The buttons below the display can for example be used to
increase and decrease the score when a match is running but also be used to step through menus.
When the remote control is started, all available sports are shown. If the remote control has more than 8 sports,
press [Next] to show more sports. Start a sport by pressing the corresponding button.
In this manual, all text within brackets, [ ], refers to a button. For example, when [Stop] is mentioned, it refers to
the “Stop”-button.
Radio Remote Control
The radio remote control controls the scoreboard via 2,4 GHz radio. It has an internal rechargeable lithium-ion
battery which can be charged with the included charger. When the battery is being charged, a red LED is lit next
to the power switch. When the battery is fully charged the LED will instead be green.
The remote control can be turned on and off with a switch on the back of the remote. Before the remote control
is turned on, the scoreboard must be started. Then start the remote by setting the switch in the “ON” position.
If the scoreboard is not on when the remote is started the following error message will be shown: ”Error: Radio
out of range”. In this case, turn the remote control off, power up the scoreboard and then turn the remote control
on again.
When the battery has been discharged below a certain level, it will automatically be turned off. To start the
remote control again, the charger must be connected. In some cases, it can be possible to start the remote control
again without the charger being connected. In this case, it will automatically be turned off again in a few
minutes. If this happens repeatedly, the battery charge may become so low that the remote will not start even
when the charger is connected. In this case, it may have to charge for up to 30 minutes before it can be started
again. In this case, both the green and the red LED:s on the back of the remote might be lit for some time.
Hardwired Remote Control
The hardwired remote control is powered from the scoreboard. It doesn’t have switch. To turn it off, it must be
disconnected from the connection box.