AT Command Set
WD Scorpio MX375M
Command and feature sets supported
Bit 14: If set, NOP command supported
Bit 13: If set, Read buffer command supported
Bit 12: If set, Write buffer command supported
Bit 11: Obsolete
Bit 10: If set, Host Protected Area Feature Set supported
Bit 9: If set, Device Reset command supported
Bit 8: If set, Service interrupt supported
Bit 7: If set, Release interrupt supported
Bit 6: If set, look-ahead supported
Bit 5: If set, Write Cache supported
Bit 4: Cleared to 0 to indicate that the PACKET feature set
is not supported.
Bit 3: If set, mandatory Power Management Feature Set
Bit 2: Obsolete
Bit 1: If set, Security Feature Set supported
Bit 0: If set, SMART Feature Set supported
0111 0100 0110 1011b
Command Set Supported
Bit 15: Shall be cleared to 0
Bit 14: Shall be set to 1
Bit 13: If set, Flush Cache EXT command supported
Bit 12: If set, mandatory Flush Cache command supported
Bit 11: If set, DCO feature set supported
Bit 10: If set, 48-bit Address Feature Set supported
Bit 9: If set, AAM feature set supported
Bit 8: If set, Set Max Security Extension supported
Bit 7: Reserved
Bit 6: If set, Set Features subcommand required to spin-up
after power-up
Bit 5: If set, Power-Up In Standby feature set supported
Bit 4: Obsolete
Bit 3: If set, Advanced Power Management feature set
Bit 2: If set, CFA feature set supported
Bit 1: If set, Read/Write DMA Queued supported
Bit 0: If set, Download Microcode command supported
0111 1111 0000 1001b
Command and Feature sets supported
Bit 15: Shall be cleared to zero
Bit 14: Shall be set to one
Bit 13: If set, Idle Immediate with Unload Feature supported
Bit 12: Reserved
Bit 11: Reserved
Bit 9-10: Obsolete
Bit 8: If set, 64-bit World wide name supported
Bit 7: If set, Write DMA Queued FUA EXT command
Bit 6: If set, Write DMA FUA EXT and Write Multiple FUA
EXT commands supported
Bit 5: If set, General Purpose Logging feature set
Bit 4: If set, Streaming Feature Set supported
Bit 3: If set, Media Card Pass Through Command feature
set supported
Bit 2: If set, Media serial number supported
Bit 1: If set, SMART Self-Test supported
Bit 0: If set, SMART Error Logging supported
0110 0001 0110 0011b
Command and Feature sets supported or enabled
Bit 15: Obsolete
Bit 14: If set, NOP command supported
Bit 13: If set, Read Buffer command supported
Bit 12: If set, Write Buffer command supported
Bit 11: Obsolete
Bit 10: If set, Host Protected Area has been established
Bit 9: If set, DEVICE RESET command supported
Bit 8: If set, SERVICE interrupt enabled
Bit 7: If set, Release Interrupt enabled
Bit 6: If set, Read look-ahead enabled
Bit 5: If set, Volatile Write cache enabled
Bit 4: Cleared to 0 to indicate that the PACKET feature set
is not supported
Bit 3: Set to 1 to indicate that the Mandatory Power
Management feature set is supported
Bit 2: Obsolete
Bit 1: If set, Security Feature Set enabled
Bit 0: If set, SMART Feature Set enabled
0111 0X00 0XX0 10XXb