&Mn – Asynchronous/Synchronous Mode Selection
This command determines how the DTR signal will be used.
Selects direct asynchronous communication. The value 000 is written to S27 bit 3,
1 and 0
Selects synchronous communication mode with asynchronous communication with the
modem in command mode. The value 001 is written to S27 bit 3, 1 and 0
Equivalent to &M1, but when the DTR signal becomes active the modem will dial the
number stored in number register 0. The modem will disconnect if the DTR signal is
deactivated for a longer period of time than is set in S25 (in units of hundredths of a
second). The value 010 is written to S27 bit 3, 1 and 0
Selects synchronous communication mode. DTR will act as ”VOICE/DATA” switch.
The call is manually initiated while DTR is inactive. When DTR becomes active, the
modems will attempt to establish connection. Depending on S14 bit 7 the modem will
be in ”Originate” (dialling) or ”Answer” (answering) mode. The value 011 is written
to S27 bit 3,1 and 0
Please also refer to AT&D, AT&Q, AT\N
)Mn – ”Cellular” MNP10 (cellular phone connection)
power level adjustment
This command enables automatic adjustment of the transmit power level during link negotiation for
reliable links to accommodate the signalling requirements of cellular telephone equipment.
Disables power level adjustment during MNP10 link negotiation. (Default)
Enables power level adjustment during MNP10 link negotiation.
Please also refer to AT\N
Nn – Automode
This command selects whether a modem will perform link negotiation attempts with fixed presettings
or if it will test the connection.
Automatic line setting is disabled. A handshake will be conducted according to the
contents of register S37, if S37 = 0 the modem will attempt to handshake according
to the latest DTE speed.
Automatic line setting is enabled. The modem will link negotiate according to the
automode algorithm that exists in the modem. This command is equivalent to F0.
Please also refer to ATF