\Kn – Break Control
This command controls the response of the modem to a break signal received from the terminal
equipment, from the remote modem or through the \B command. The modem can respond in 3 differ-
ent ways depending on the state of the modem. The value is written to S40 bit 3,4 and 5.
The first case is where the modem receives a break signal from the local terminal and the modem is
in communication mode:
Enter command mode, no break signal is sent to the remote modem.
Clears data buffers and sends break signal to the remote modem.
Equivalent to 0.
Sends break signal to the remote modem immediately.
Equivalent to 0.
Sends break signal to the remote modem in sequence with transmitted data. (Default)
The second case is where the modem is in command mode, during a data connection in the back-
ground and the \B command is received in order to send a break signal to the remote modem:
Clears data buffers and sends break signal to the remote modem.
Equivalent to 0.
Sends break signal to the remote modem immediately.
Equivalent to 2.
Sends break signal to the remote modem in sequence with transmitted data.
Equivalent to 4. (Default)
The third case is where a break signal is received from the remote modem during a non-error correct-
ed connection:
Clears data buffers and sends break to the terminal equipment.
Equivalent to 0.
Sends break signal to the terminal equipment immediately.
Equivalent to 2.
Sends break signal to the terminal in sequence with received data.
Equivalent to 4. (Default)
-Kn – MNP Extended Services
This command allows the conversion of a V. 42 LAPM to a MNP10 connection.
The value is written to S40 bit 0.
Disables V. 42 LAPM to MNP10 conversion. (Default)
Enables conversion between V.42 LAPM and MNP10.
Enables conversion between V. 42 LAPM and MNP10.
The conversion is blocked during V. 42 LAPM reply
sequence detection.
Please also refer to AT\N