The configuration parameters can be read from an ED-10 or a file and altered or be
written to an ED-10 or a file. All parameters must be set before any other action like
write, view or generate configuration can take place. For more information about the
parameters see the following section.
The configuration parameters can be altered by choosing or editing a value in the param-
eter field. The fields can be set with values in the min-max range or with a default value
specified for each parameter.
6.2 Configuration by terminal
ED-10 internal commands must be used to configure by terminal program.
TYPE command
Configuration parameter values can be read by using the 'type' command. E.g. 'type
', will list the chip.set file.
The 'type' command will list configuration parameters and their values, regardless of the
ED-10 operating mode.
The parameters/values are stored in three pairs of configuration files; chip.set,-ini,
factory.set,-ini, delayed.set,-ini. See chapter 6.4.
Values used at re-boot are stored in the chip.set, -ini files. The files delayed.set, -ini holds
values used if delayed configuration is activated.
Please note, the configuration files also contain parameters that can not be changed.
COPY and REBOOT commands
The 'copy' and 'reboot' commands are used to change ED-10 working mode. The con-
tents in ED-10 internal file 'autoexec.bat' decides the mode ED-10 will enter after a re-
The 'copy' command is used to copy the ED-10 internal files 'app.bat' or 'config.bat' to
'autoexec.bat', e.g. 'copy config.bat autoexec.bat
Re-boot is achieved by either the 'reboot' command or by switching the power off-on.
EXIT command
To change configuration parameter values the ED-10 must be in config mode. When in
config mode a value change is requested by a [parameter] [value] pair input, e.g 'datarate
19 200
When all requested changes have been input the 'exit' command must be used to store
the changes into the configuration files. The 'exit' command also copies app.bat to
autoexec.bat ensuring application mode is entered when ED-10 is re-booted.