Step 6: Set the transmit audio to your radio
Check the manual for your radio to see if the microphone is disabled when the rear
panel data/aux jack is used. If your mic is NOT disabled you should disconnect the mic
or turn down the mic gain. If the radio’s data/aux jack is controlled by the mic gain you
will have to disconnect the mic and leave the mic gain set to a normal level.
With the radio’s RF power adjustment (drive) control set to maximum power, activate
the software transmit. You should hear transmit tones coming from your computer
speakers or headphones. Open your sound card “Volume Control” panel and adjust the
sound card master (left hand) “Volume” slider and the “Wave”, slider up or down
together until your radio indicates just less than full power output.
Note: Driving to full power, and activating ALC, especially with the radio’s power control
turned down will result in a distorted signal that is difficult or impossible to copy. Always
set the audio drive from the computer to less than full power even though the radio’s
power/drive control is set to maximum.
Once you have the audio transmit power set correctly you may then adjust your
computer speaker volume knob for a comfortable level. You may find these sound
adjustments are sensitive depending on your sound card and/or radio. Once you have
arrived at a correct setting you may use either turn down sound card or the transmit
power knob to further reduce the power. Do not turn down the radio’s power setting and
turn up the sound card.
Step 7: Work lots of DX and have fun
You are on the air!