Speed, time,
distance or
select one of
these modes
for continuous
display, press
the mode but-
ton repeatedly. The mode indicators will show which
mode is selected. Make sure that the scan mode is
not selected.
3. To reset the display, press the on/reset button.
4. To turn off the power, simply wait for about four min-
Note: The monitor has an “auto-off” fea-
ture. If the pedals are not moved and the moni-
tor buttons are not pressed for four minutes,
the power will turn off automatically in order to
conserve the batteries.
Inspect and tighten all parts of the exercise cycle
regularly. Replace any worn parts immediately.
The exercise cycle can be cleaned with a soft, damp
cloth. To prevent damage to the console, avoid
spilling liquid on the console, keep the console out of
direct sunlight, and remove the batteries when storing
the exercise cycle.
If the console does not function properly, the batteries
should be replaced. See assembly step 6 on page 5.
In addition, make sure that the console wire is con-
nected to the reed switch wire.
When the exercise
cycle is not in use,
it can be converted
to the storage posi-
tion. See the draw-
ing at the right.
Loosen the
Adjustment Knob
(16) on the right
side of the Seat
Frame (3). Slide
the Frame (1) into
the Seat Frame as far as it will go. Then, tighten the
Adjustment Knob. Store the exercise cycle indoors,
away from moisture and dust.
NOTE: Your console displays speed in either miles per hour (mph) or revolutions per minute (rpm). If the
displayed speed has a decimal point, your console displays speed in miles per hour; if the displayed speed does
not have a decimal point, your console displays speed in revolutions per minute. Use the chart below to convert
one unit of measurement to the other, if desired
If your console displays speed in miles per hour, it displays distance in miles. If your console displays speed in
revolutions per minute, it displays distance in total revolutions (revs). Use the chart below to convert one unit of
measurement to the other, if desired.