1. Proper Use
This wenglor product has to be used according to the following functional principle:
Scanner 1D
These Scanners detect 1D Codes with the help of Laser Light respectively Red Light. The light sent out to the
barcode label is reflected back to a photo element and evaluated with a decoder.
2. Safety Precautions
• This operating instruction is part of the product and must be kept during its entire service life.
• Read this operating instruction carefully before using the product.
• Installation, start-up and maintenance of this product has only to be carried out by trained personal.
• Tampering with or modifying the product is not permissible.
• Protect the product against contamination during start-up.
• Not a safety component in accordance with the EU Machinery Directive.
3. Approvals and protection class
This is a class A device. This device may cause radio interference in residential areas. If this is the case, the
implementation of appropriate measures may be demanded of the user.