9.5.4. Interleaved 2 of 5
A dense, continuous, self-checking numeric barcode. The characters are combined in pairs, so that each
character consists of five elements (two wide and three narrow), each of which can be assigned values within
a range of 1 to 9. The bars represent the first character and the spaces the second. (A check digit is highly
recommended in this case).
9.5.5. Codabar
Codabar involves a 16 bit character set (0 to 9 and the following characters: $, :, /, ., + and –). This code has
start and stop characters, and at least two bar widths which differ from each other greatly. The Codabar bar-
code is used primarily in libraries and in the field of health care, but it’s being replaced to an ever greater extent
by more up-to-date codes due to high error frequencies.
9.5.6. UPC/EAN
EAN (European article number) is a product identifier used in commercial applications. An EAN code consists
of 13 or 8 characters. It’s administrated centrally by the GS1 Association and is assigned upon application by
the manufacturer. The EAN code is also known as the GTIN (global trade item number). UPC (universal product
code) is a compatible code which is used primarily in the USA and Canada. The last character is the checksum
9.5.7. Code 93
Code 93 evolved as a further development of code 39. However, its layout is more like that of code 128. Code
93 has the greatest character density for alphanumeric encoding of all linear barcodes.
9.5.8. Industrial 2 of 5
Industrial 2 of 5 is used primarily in warehouses, photographic laboratories and for airline ticketing applications.
The characters are combined in pairs, so that each character consists of five elements (two wide and three
narrow), each of which can be assigned values within a range of 1 to 9. The bars represent the first character
and the spaces the second.
9.5.9. MSI Code
MSI Code is a numeric code, and each character consists of 4 bits in binary format.
9.5.10. RSS-14 Expanded
RSS-14 Expanded is the most variable variant of the RSS-14 family. It has at least 4 and no more than 22 code
words, which are used to encode data, additional information and a check digit. The code words consist of
17 modules and are represented with 4 spaces and 4 bars. The search patterns have 15 modules which are
broken down into 3 spaces and 2 bars. Spaces and bars are represented in 8 different module widths, i.e. the
elements can have widths ranging from 1X to 8X. RSS-14 Expanded can be read omnidirectionally. The code is
very compact with a reliable layout. It requires very little space because no unnecessary overhang is included
in the code. Depending on length, the code can be reconstructed by means of several segment scans.