Page 15 of 18
Rev: D
Last updated: 4/14/2011
Regular cleaning of the cylinder is essential for the proper functioning of the device. Solvent
cleaning is normally done during scheduled maintenance; however, some companies require
this before each cylinder is put into service. Any debris or residue that is not removed from
the cylinder will contaminate the results of the next sample extracted from the cylinder.
Welker recommends cleaning and leak testing of the cylinder after each use.
Cleaning a constant pressure sample cylinder can be done one of three ways:
Purging with helium
Fill and empty the cylinder with helium repeatedly.
Take a sample of the helium to test for trace amounts of hydrocarbons.
If hydrocarbons are present in the analysis, the system has not been adequately cleaned,
and further purging will be necessary. If hydrocarbons or contaminants remain present, a
solvent cleaning may be required (
see step 3.5.3
). After cleaning with solvent, purge with
helium to remove the solvent and analyze the helium to verify the solvent and
hydrocarbons have been removed.
If no hydrocarbons are found, cleaning is complete.
Repeat step 7 of Section 3.4.
Purging with new product
Purge the cylinder using the product to be sampled. This can be accomplished each
time the cylinder is put into service.
Repeat step 7 of Section 3.4.
This method is acceptable only if the cylinder will be used in one location.
Cleaning with solvent
Fill and empty the cylinder repeatedly with solvent.
Use an inert gas to dry and purge the cylinder.
Use method 3.5.1 to verify the system is free of contaminants.
Repeat step 7 of Section 3.4