1. Introduction
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104781 - MRF-2 | MRH-2 - V2.4 - 22.07.2020
1. Introduction
1.1 Information about this operating instructions
These operating instructions are intended for the use by plant engineers, installers
or service technicians of the MRF-2 | MRH-2 PID multichannel temperature control-
ler. This manual contains all necessary suggestions, informations, recommendations
and advice for the safe and proper installation and commissioning of the controller.
It is only with the knowledge of this operating instruction that errors in the controller
can be avoided and a trouble-free operation is guaranteed.
Read the assembly instructions carefully and adhere to the recommendations descri-
bed in order to ensure proper operation. In addition, the local accident prevention
regulations and general safety regulations are to be observed for the field of appli-
cation of the controller.
When delivered, the parameterization of the MRF-2 | MRH-2 does not
necessarily correspond to the intended use. This must be adjusted ac-
cordingly during the installation.
Basically, the installer of the system is responsible for the commissio-
ning of the control.
Operation instruction for the operator
The plant engineers, the installer or the service technician must prepare operating
instructions for the operator of the controller. In this case the parameterization of the
delivery state must be clearly documented.
We recommend to only document those parameters which the operator of the con-
troller needs.
When preparing the operating instructions for the operator the local regulations have
to be observed – see chapter “Safety”.
These operating instructions include important technical and safety in-
formation. It is vital to carefully study all these instructions before the
installation of the control or in case of any other work with the control!
These instructions have been prepared with the utmost care. However, the informa-
tion contained herein is not an assurance of product characteristics.
The manufacturer accepts no liability for errors and reserves the right to make tech-
nical changes at any time. All rights reserved.
NOTICE for storing the operating instructions
This instruction manual is part of the product and must always be readily available
for the service technician.