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Gripping module inactive (bit 0, BooleanT)
When this bit is set, the gripping module is inactive and force-free. No gripping commands can be exe-
For information on activating the gripping module, see chapter 9.6.1.
Acyclic Process Parameters and System Commands
For the operation of the gripping module, several acyclic process parameters can be set and queried. These
process parameters comprise identification, configuration, and diagnosis data, as well as system com-
mands. These data are addressed via index (8 or 16 bit) and subindex (8 bit). Some of the parameters are
specified by the IO-Link standard; other parameters are device-specific or determined by the manufacturer.
All parameters are defined in the IO-Link Device Description (IODD) file.
The acyclic process parameters can be set and read out during configuration with a suitable configuration
software. This configuration software is available from the manufacturer of your IO-Link master or field bus
coupler. Altering parameters and issuing system commands during operation is possible on many PLC sys-
tems with the respective function blocks (e.g. function block IO_LINK_CALL by Siemens). For further infor-
mation, please contact the manufacturer of your IO-Link master, your PLC, or your field bus coupler.
Remanent Storage of Acyclic Process Parameters
Remanent Storage in the IO-Link Master
The gripping module supports remanent storage of acyclic process parameters in the IO-Link master
Parameter Server
). If your IO-Link master also supports this function, the parameters set during
configuration can be permanently stored in the IO-Link master. When the gripping module is activated, the
stored parameter set is then automatically transferred from the IO-Link master to the gripping module. If
the gripping module is exchanged, the stored parameter set can automatically be transferred to the new
gripping module. It is then not necessary to configure the new module separately since the parameter set
of the old module is automatically taken over.
For further information on the storage capabilities of your IO-Link master, please contact the manufacturer.
Remanent Storage in the Gripping Module
If your IO-Link master or your field bus coupler do not support permanent storage of acyclic process pa-
rameters, the parameters can also be stored remanently in the gripping module via a system command (cf.
chapter 8.2.4). When the gripping module is disconnected from the power supply, the acyclic process pa-
rameters are preserved and are still available after reconnecting. However, if the gripping module is ex-
changed, the new module must be configured anew.
If you want to store the configuration remanently only in the gripping module, it could be necessary
to deactivate the function
Data Storage
Parameter Server
on your IO-Link master. Otherwise
the configuration stored in the gripping module will be overwritten by the IO-Link master at startup.