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EC Declaration of Incorporation
According to EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EG, appendix II B
Weiss Robotics GmbH & Co. KG
Karl-Heinrich-Käferle-Str. 8
D-71640 Ludwigsburg
Weiss Robotics GmbH & Co. KG
Karl-Heinrich-Käferle-Str. 8
D-71640 Ludwigsburg
We hereby declare that the following product:
Product designation:
Servo-electrical gripping module
Part numbers
5010011 (IEG 55-020), 5010012 (IEG 76-030)
meets the applicable basic requirements of the
Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC)
The incomplete machine may not be put into operation until it is confirmed that the machine into
which the incomplete machine is to be installed meets the provisions of the Machinery Directive
Applied harmonized standards, especially:
EN ISO 12100-1
Safety of machines
Basic concepts, general principles for design
Part 1:
Basic terminology, methodology
EN ISO 12100-2
Safety of machines
Basic concepts, general principles for design
Part 2:
Technical principles
The manufacturer agrees to forward the special technical documents for the incomplete machine to
state offices on demand. The special technical documents according to Annex VII, Part B, belonging to
the incomplete machine have been created.
Person responsible for documentation: Dr.-Ing. Karsten Weiß, Tel.: +49(0)7141/94702-0
Location, Date/Signature:
Ludwigsburg, July 1, 2016
Details of the signatory:
Weiss Robotics GmbH & Co. KG