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Data Type
Factory Setting
System Commands
System commands are issued by writing the respective code (1 byte) at index 0x02 of the standardized pro-
cess parameters (cf. chapter 8.2.2). If necessary, the system commands can be issued directly via the con-
figuration software of the IO-Link master. The following commands are available:
Restarting the Gripping Module (Code 0x80)
With this command, you can restart the module without having to disconnect it from the power supply
(warm start).
Process parameters that are not stored remanently are lost during a warm start.
Reset to Factory Settings (Code 0x82)
With this command, the configuration of the gripping module can be reset to the factory settings.
All altered process parameters are overwritten with the standard setting.
Acknowledge Maintenance (Code 0xB0)
With this command, you can confirm that the device has undergone maintenance. When the module sig-
nals that maintenance is necessary (in the cyclic process data word, cf. chapter 8.1.2, or via system event,
cf. chapter 8.3), this command must be executed after maintenance has been performed. The maintenance
count is then reset, and with it the system event and the respective bit in the cyclic process data word.
Save Configuration Remanently (Code 0xE0).
With this command, you can save the current configuration of the gripping module remanently. In case of
power loss, the parameterization is still available.
For more information on remanently saving the configuration, see chapter 8.2.1.
System Events (IO-Link Events)
Table 12 describes the system events that can be triggered by the gripping module.
For troubleshooting, see chapter 11.4.