Series 3
— Boiler Manual
9. Push the Control Pod cover to one side, and gently
work the cover retainer hinge on the other side out
of the jacket slot to remove the cover.
10. Remove the limit temperature sensor and P/T gauge
capillary from the wells in top of the boiler back
11. Remove the jacket cross tie by loosening the two
screws securing it to the side panels (Figure 19). Lift
the cross tie up and disengage the screws from the
12. Loosen the four (4) 3/8-16 x 1” jacket front screws.
Do not remove the screws.
13. Lift the hinge bracket and pull out to disengage the
keyholes from the screws.
14. Remove the four (4) #10 x 3/8” screws securing the
electrical tray to the jacket side panels (Figure 20).
Leave the electrical tray in position.
15. Remove the jacket side panels by pulling back edge
away from the back of the boiler and then disengag-
ing the keyholes from the jacket front screws.
16. Remove the electrical tray, keeping the wiring har-
nesses connected to the jacket cross tie.
17. Remove the insulation blanket.
18. Remove the relief valve and supply piping if already
19. Loosen the four (4) 3/8–16 screws securing the
jacket back panel to the rear section. The screws are
located at the recessed openings on the jacket back
panel (Figure 21).
20. Lift the jacket back panel and pull forward to dis-
engage the keyholes from the screws.
Replacing the jacket
1. To install the jacket, reverse the preceding proce-
dure. Route the power cable as shown in Figure 14,
page 20.
Removing/replacing boiler jacket
Figure 20
Jacket components and hardware
Figure 21
Jacket components and hardware
Part number 550-142-182/1014