Series 3
— Boiler Manual
Follow the service and maintenance procedures given throughout this manual and in component
literature shipped with the boiler. Failure to perform the service and maintenance could result in
damage to the boiler or system. Failure to follow the directions in this manual and component lit-
erature could result in severe personal injury, death or substantial property damage.
This product contains fi berglass jacket insula-
tion and ceramic fi ber materials in combus-
tion chamber lining or base panels in gas
fi red products. Airborne fi bers from these
materials have been listed by the State of Cali-
fornia as a possible cause of cancer through
inhalation. The combustion chamber lining
or base insulation panels in this product con-
tain ceramic fi ber materials. Ceramic fi bers
can be converted to cristobalite in very high
temperature applications. The International
Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has
concluded, “Crystalline silica inhaled in the
form of quartz or cristobalite from occu-
pational sources is carcinogenic to humans
(Group 1).”:
Suppliers of fi berglass wool products recom-
mend the following precautions be taken when
handling these materials:
Precautionary measures
• Avoid breathing fi berglass dust and contact with skin
or eyes.
• Use NIOSH certifi ed dust respirator (N95). This type
of respirator is based on the OSHA requirements
for fi berglass wool at the time this document was
written. Other types of respirators may be needed
depending on the job site conditions. Current
NIOSH recommendations can be found on
the NIOSH web site at http://www.cdc.gov/
niosh/homepage.html. NIOSH approved res-
pirators, manufacturers, and phone numbers
are also listed on this web site.
• Wear long-sleeved, loose fitting clothing,
gloves, and eye protection.
• Apply enough water to the combustion
chamber lining or base insulation to prevent
airborne dust.
• Remove combustion chamber lining or base
insulation from the boiler and place it in a
plastic bag for disposal.
• Operations such as sawing, blowing, tear out
and spraying may generate airborne fi ber
concentration requiring additional protection.
Bag for disposal.
• Wash potentially contaminated clothes
separately from other clothing. Rinse clothes
washer thoroughly.
NIOSH stated First Aid.
• Eye: Irrigate immediately
• Breathing: Fresh air.
Handling ceramic fi ber and fi berglass materials
Annual service and start-up
Address reported problems
1. Inspect any problems reported by owner and correct
before proceeding.
Inspect boiler area
1. Verify that boiler area is free of any combustible
materials, gasoline and other fl ammable vapors and
2. Verify that air intake area is unobstructed and free
of corrosive contaminants. If any of these are pres-
ent in the boiler intake air vicinity, they must be
Inspect boiler interior
1. Loosen the Control Pod cover retaining screw and
open the cover.
2. Inspect controls and wiring to verify all are in good
3. Check for any possible leaks that might have
dripped water on the wiring or controls.
4. Inspect the boiler insulation blanket.
5. If inspections show possible leaks, fi nd and correct
the cause of the leaks.
6. Ensure
baffl es are installed in inside fl ueways.
Part number 550-142-182/1014