Eletrical Installation
5-2 | MOD1...MOD7
5.3.1 MOD1.00 - 24DIS Digital Inputs
The MOD1.00 has 24 isolated digital inputs that must be excited by an external 24 Vdc source. The inputs are
bidirectional, which means the input common can be connected to either the negative or the Vdc of the power
Three common pins are available, one for DI1 to DI8, another for DI9 to DI16 and another for DI17 to DI24, thus
allowing a group to be connected to V+ and the other to the GND. This feature gives more flexibility to the project,
since it allows both PNP and NPN contacts of a device to be connected to the MOD1.00 inputs.
The input activation levels are 10 to 28.8 Vdc for high level and below 3 Vdc for low level.
The example of
shows inputs DI1, DI3, DI5, DI9 DI11 and DI13 activated by +24 V from
the power supply (PNP), and inputs DI17, DI21 and DI24 activated by the negative of the power supply (NPN).
contains the name and function of each of the pins of the Digital Input connectors.
For those connectors, use AWG 30-16 cables.