Thank you for purchasing WaveR8. We are convinced that it will
bring you a lot of joy in the future and above all a lot of drive to
your now 30-year-old R-8. We promise you one thing: with your
help we will try everything to make the R-8 great again.
Why you should read the manual
Manuals are usually unpopular, boring or even annoying. We have
made every e
ort to make sure that you don't fall asleep after
the first two pages.
Whether you read this manual is up to you, you can also put it
aside. However, you should know that this manual guides you
about the correct use of WaveR8. In addition, you will find impor-
tant safety instructions that you must follow. They are highlight-
ed in gray and therefore easily recognizable. You don't want to
expose yourself and your environment to unnecessary danger,
do you?
Your WaveReX Team
Don't hesitate to tell us any
suggestions for improvement. We
made WaveR8 for YOU.
WaveR8 ROMs:
Содержание WaveR8
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