© 2022 tekmar
System Pump Operation
The control includes a system pump that can operate
whenever there is a call for heat .
Central Heating Call
The system pump turns on together with the central
heating call .
Domestic Hot Water Call
The system pump can operate in combination with the DHW
pump . Please refer to the Domestic Hot Water Call Operation
for details .
Setpoint Call
The system pump can operate together with the Constant
Setpoint Call . This is selectable using the Constant Setpoint
System Pump setting .
Remote Setpoint Call
The system pump operates whenever there is a remote set-
point call .
System Pump Purge
The system pump includes a post-purge after a heating call is
removed . The system pump post-purge operates with the last
boiler pump post purge .
The control has the option to exercise all pumps and tekmarNet
zones (zone valves and zone pumps) for 10 seconds every
three days of inactivity to prevent seizure . This is selected by
setting Exercising to On .
Pump Operation
Combustion Air Damper
The combustion air damper relay closes once a heat call is
received and the control has determined that one or more
boilers need to be turned on .
Combustion Air Delay
The control waits until the combustion air damper delay elapses
before staging on any boilers .
Combustion Air Post Purge
There is a fixed 15 second post purge of the Combustion Air
Damper relay after the last boiler has turned off, or the heat call
is removed . If there is a call still present once the last boiler has
turned off, the control may continue to keep the combustion
air damper open if the control predicts that a boiler may fire .
Otherwise, the combustion air damper will be closed once the
15 second post purge elapses .
Combustion Air Damper Operation