Lync WQ-SF
SECTION 3: Operation
L- OMM-004_A
Technical Support • (800) 433-5654 • Mon-Fri, 8 am - 5 pm EST
Continuous Flow Detect
Alert appears when specified continuous flow rate is detected during service over a specified
duration. Continuous flow rate is adjustable from 0.1 to 999.9 GPM/LPM (accuracy of flow rate
detected will vary based on capability of meter). Duration range is adjustable from 1 to 255
Remote Regeneration
Ability to trigger a regeneration via a remote input.
Regeneration Types
Softener/Filter Meter Delayed -
When volume remaining reaches zero and the scheduled
regeneration time is reached (default 2 a.m. softener; 12 a.m. filter), the unit will regenerate.
Softener/Filter Meter Immediate
- When volume remaining reaches zero, the unit will
Time Clock
- Once volume remaining reached zero and the selected regeneration time is
reached (default 2 a.m. softener; 12 a.m. filter), the unit will regenerate.
Day of the Week
- Once volume remaining reaches zero and the selected Day of the Week is
reached, the unit will regenerate.
Remote Regeneration
- Remote Regeneration is accomplished by a 3rd party device
completing a contact closure connected to the remote regeneration input connector. The 3rd
party device must complete the signal duration time that was set in the duration signal time in
programming to start a regeneration. You can set the remote regeneration for immediate
regeneration or delayed regeneration at the set time that was programmed for
Reset to Factory Defaults
While powering up the unit, when the Pentair logo appears, press and hold the
Extra Cycle
button to access the Reset menu then select Reset to Factory Defaults. Press the
Extra Cycle
button to confirm your selection and to advance to the service screen. Furthermore, you may
select Reset to Non-Factory Defaults to save a set of unique control parameters.
Power on the unit. When Pentair logo appears, press and hold the
Extra Cycle
button. The Reset menu appears.
Use the up/down buttons to select.
Press the
Extra Cycle
button to set the desired option and return to
the Service screen.