Aegis Sequencer
Main Menu
• 8/8/2023 Technical Support • (800) 433-5654 • Mon-Fri, 8 am - 5 pm EST
5.1. Menu Loops and Layout
In each menu, the screens are organized into loops: the UP and DOWN buttons scroll all the screens in
the same menu. The screens are organized so that the down button (scrolling downwards) accesses the
most frequently used screens, while those that are used least (e.g. configuration) are accessed by
pressing the up button (scrolling upwards).
The individual menus use a code that helps identify the menu:
1st character (uppercase): main menu code
2nd character (lowercase): submenu, if any
3rd character (number): index inside the loop
Example: clock setting, menu code Da1 includes Menu D. User Settings, sub-menu a. Date/Time, and
first menu screen of the loop
5.1.1. Menu A: Input/Output
In the A. Input/Output menu it is possible to change the actions of digital inputs and outputs to normally
open or normally closed.
Menu A01: Turning the system on/off by digital input and choice of NO/NC.