Boiler Valve Controller (BVC)
User Manual
Page 4 of 38
VD2: 01/20/13
AERCO International, Inc.
100 Oritani Dr.
Blauvelt, New York 10913
Phone: 800-526-0288
AERCO International, Inc.
100 Oritani Dr.
Blauvelt, New York 10913
Phone: 800-526-0288
The AERCO Boiler Valve Controller (BVC) is designed for variable flow heating systems. The
BVC can be configured to control each motor operated valve (MOV) independently to minimize
the system flow requirements in a multiple boiler plant. Using the BVC in your system design will
save energy, help eliminate over-temperature faults and improve the life and reliability of your
AERCO Boilers.
For example, a four BMK2.0LN installation typically requires 4 x 25 = 100 GPM minimum
system flow for stable operation. The same installation with MOVs and the AERCO Boiler Valve
Controller will allow 25 GPM minimum system flow since the system is reduced to single boiler
operation and flow is stopped on the other three boilers. As boilers are started up and turned off
based on system demand the valve controller can be configured to open and close the valves to
meet the heating demand and maintain stable temperature control without the risk of over-
temperature faults. When system demand is satisfied and all the boilers are off, the Boiler Valve
Controller opens all the MOVs, preventing system pump dead head conditions.
The valve controller has a simple, easy to use menu structure. The position of any MOV can be
selected using the BVC “Valves” Screen. However if a boiler is firing, the BVC will not allow you
to change the valve to the “CLOSED” position in order to avoid exceeding safe operating
temperature at the boiler. The factory default delay time setting is 2 minutes. The controller may
be programmed from one to thirty minutes in one-minute increments.