DO NOT use petroleum based lubricants as they will cause swelling of O-ring seals.
c. Fill mineral tank one quarter full of
water to protect distribution during
gravel installation.
d. Place the media into the tank in the
order indicated above. Slowly and
carefully add the gravel support
bed and the softener or filtration
media leveling each layer as it is
placed into the tank.
(Amber to Blonde)
Carbon (Black)
Support Bed
(when supplied)
Fine Gravel
e. Fill support bed (if supplied) first.
During the filling process, ensure the
distributor tube stays on the bottom
of the tank, reasonably centered.
Remove the tape from the distribu-
tor once media is loaded. Whenever
possible, fill the tank outdoors to
avoid problems with dust. If filling
indoors, a dust mask should be worn.
f. Unplug the riser tube, carefully posi-
tion the valve over it and turn the
valve into the threads in the fiber-
glass tank, tightening securely into
tank. Note: Ensure that the internal
O-ring in the valve fits securely over
the riser tube. Silicone grease (part #
92360) or other food grade lubricant
may be applied to the O-ring to
ease installation of the riser tube.
The large funnel (sold separately part
# 43000) makes filling the tank easier
and neater. (Or an empty 1 gallon or 4
liter container with the bottom cut out
makes a good funnel.)