A swimming stroke performed on the back, with the swimmer’s head looking to-
wards the sky. The swimmer’s arms are lifted alternately out of the water in a back-
ward circular motion with the legs performing a flutter kick.
A swimming stroke that is performed face down in the water. The arms are pushed
forward, hands together, and then swept out and back towards the torso. During
the pull the head is lifted from the water in order to take a breath and the legs per-
form a frog kick when the head returns to the water finishing the stroke.
A swimming stroke that is performed face down in the water. Both arms are lifted
simultaneously out of the water aided by a dolphin kick and put back in also aided
by a dolphin kick.
Dolphin Kick
A style of kicking used in the butterfly stroke where the legs move simultaneously
in an upward downward motion.
Swimming slow with low intensity. This pace can be used in warm up or throughout
your workout to help recover from high intensity bouts of swimming.
Flutter Kick
Legs alternating in an upward downward motion to propel the swimmer through the
water. Used in backstroke and freestyle.
Also known as the Front Crawl, and considered the fastest of the strokes. A face
down stroke using a flutter kick while the arms alternate reaching above the head
and pulling the body through the water.
Frog Kick
Also known as a breaststroke kick. The legs start in a an extended position then
the knees bend and the legs come up together towards the hips, the feet turn out
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