The following settings can be made/information called up via the menu (Menu key):
Information menu: Shows whether -and if yes- with which cloud account the measurement results are to be synchronised via WiFi.
Setup of the cloud data exclusively via the LabCOM app (PoolLab 2.0 connected to the app via Bluetooth).
Information menu: Shows whether -and if so- to which WiFi network the PoolLab 2.0 should connect.
Setup of the WiFi connection exclusively via the LabCOM app (PoolLab 2.0 connected to the app via Bluetooth).
Here you can set whether the time displayed on the main screen is to be shown in 12-hour or 24-hour format
The time is automatically adjusted with each WiFi or Bluetooth connection and corrected on the PoolLab 2.0 if necessary.
Here you can set whether the date displayed on the main screen is to be shown as DD.MM.YYY or MM.DD.YYY
The date is automatically synchronised with each WiFi or Bluetooth connection and corrected on the PoolLab 2.0 if necessary.
For some parameters (e.g. pH), you can choose whether to measure with tablet or liquid reagent.
The default setting is "tablet mode", which is also shown in the display at the top of the status bar in the form of 2 tablets.
If you want to measure with liquid reagents, you must switch to "Liquid" in the menu.
A drop appears in the status bar instead of the tablets.
Here the display brightness can be set between 25% - 100%. The brighter, the higher the power consumption of the PoolLab 2.0.
The PoolLab 2.0 can (in case of cuvette change: MUST) be calibrated by the user. No accessories are required for calibration
PoolLab 2.0