1/8/2008 4 HD320
the furnace heat exchanger. In addition the WarmFlo logic stages up from stage 1 through the
various temperature/delay staging sequences.
Blower operation
– the air handler or fossil fuel furnace blower is operated from its own fan
center (G screw). The activation of this “G” input is either directly from a heat pump (total
electric system) roomstat “G” screw or in the case of dual heat from the Furnace Interface module
(WF-EZ3, LGR4, EM3, etc.). The Interface module and its wiring or association with the room
thermostat completely controls the blower. There is nothing on or within the WarmFlo control
board itself which has anything to do with the blower function.
Delay on/delay off – within all Interface modules there is an approximate 10 to 15
second blower on delay and a 1-minute blower off delay. In the case of a heat pump
stat, this can be bypassed by taking the stat “G” screw directly to the interface
module tab “G1” (multi-wire stat only).
Multi-speed blower – newer furnaces having multi-speed blower functions can be
stepped up to the proper high speed with an appropriate (special relay contact)
jumper between the furnace fan center “G” and “Y”. See the installation manual
sketch and paragraph for adding the necessary wiring jumpers associated with the
Interface module special terminals (BL, NO, NC). Also
Electro-Helps VIII
details on all the various wiring arrangements for ECM variable speed blower.
Using E tab with HP stat emergency output – see previous “E-tab” section for blower
operation caution.
Bad sensor, safety
– if the internal logic detects open sensor wire, incorrectly wired sensor, or
some bad sensor transmitted value conditions; the green LED reverts to a pulsing mode.
Basically the appropriate sensor is set internally to a default value and there will be an attempt to
cause the electric heat output to go “DT Flat”.
OT sensor – approximately 1/10 second blip every ½ second
ST sensor – two, 1/10 second blips every ½ second
Both bad – ½ second on and ½ second off, alternating
Bad sensor default heating
– when above condition is detected electric unit has limited staging
WarmFlo Analyzer or Software Bad Sensor Indicators
255 or NA - OT function is disabled, EMA/EBA type operation
254 or BAD - controller cannot read a value from the temperature sensor
31° (assuming it is not 31°) - new software (2.3* and up chip) with previous sensor,
"D" ring (DS2434)
0° (assuming it is not 0° F) - previous software (2.2* chip) with new sensor, "E" ring
(DS18B20), green LED should also blink
Cal. pushbutton, on board upper right
– function is unchanged, holding for 10 seconds forces
the OT sensor to 32° value.
Power-Down Reset –
there are some data entry or setup modes which require power-down reset
- WF+ board configuration selection, cancelling pulsing bad sensor green LED, etc. If in doubt do
a complete 24-volt system power-down reset after WarmFlo Analyzer save operations. Reset
always verifies the proper handling of a software modification.