10/04/2007 13
Electric Furnace Control –
Inside View, Right Board
Room Thermostat Type
On the control board left side is a peg jumper which needs to point either to conventional heat/cool or
heat pump thermostat.
Heat Minimal Blower Speed Selection
This is only used with H/C thermostat. With heat pump thermostat, heat jumper has no function. On the
right side is a peg jumper for a LO/MED/HI selection. The WarmFlo technology and action of both of
the remote sensors will determine the full speed or maximum CFM when required by the heating system.
This selection is simply a first step blower speed and does not necessarily have to match the kW capacity.
The suggestions are as following, but 20 kW will function just fine with the LO position.
10 kW LO 765 CFM
15 kW MED 900 CFM
20 kW HI 1035 CFM
Cool Blower Speed Selection
At the control board right side is A/B/C/D selection. It is very important that this selection be matched to
the cooling ton installed within the system. When using a heat pump stat , cool jumper relates to heating
and cooling. Heat jumper is non-active.
A – 3-3.5 ton 1200 CFM
B – 2.5-3 ton 1100 CFM
C – 2-2.5 ton 1000 CFM
D – 2 ton 900 CFM
Heat Pump
When using a heat pump thermostat select the COOL A/B/C/D jumper position relating to the heat pump
Operation Indicators
WarmFlo Controller –
Inside View, Left Board
Monitor LED’s on Front
Green LED
When illuminated WarmFlo II is receiving 24V power. Under all normal operating modes, this should be
solid green.
As a secondary function this green LED provides status of the two remote sensors. If a
sensor is inoperative, incorrectly wired, or malfunctioning; this monitor light is in a blinking
or pulsing mode. By checking the pulsing pattern, the appropriate sensor can be identified.
OT sensor - 1ØØ ms blink every second.
ST sensor - two, 1ØØ ms blinks every second.
Both bad - ½ second on, ½ second off, alternating.
Amber LED
When illuminated WarmFlo II is in the electric heat operating mode (Utility Load Control).
Inside Warmflo Board, Red LED’s
The four red LED’s next to the output connector, indicate Stage 1, 2, 3, and 4 operation (Stage 1 is on the
Electric Furnace Control –
Inside View, Right Board
Green, next to Fuse
24-volt power connected and fuse good.