1/8/2008 3 HD320
With an Electro-Mate it is assumed there is always standby or gas furnace. For
non-automatic or wood, suggest using EMA and select the desired outlet temperature.
ODT dial switch mode
– within the program chip default and Analyzer/software programming
this function defines the use of the dial switch on the circuit board labeled “ODT”. The dial
switch selects the temperature, the setup function selects what the temperature does.
EL to SB – interrupts all electric elements
the heat pump
HP – interrupts only the outdoor compressor unit, electric energy continues without
an OT temperature shut down reference
: "0" position does not disable outdoor sensor. This only disables the built-in heat
pump ODT function. With the dial switch "0" position the heat pump becomes a direct
function of the room thermostat and/or standby mode.
Standby (SB)
– the WarmFlo control system has transferred the thermostat or heat active
function to the standby furnace via the appropriate Furnace Interface module (WF-EZ3, etc.).
These actions cause SB.
SOT-S timeout – thermostat continuous run time.
MU timeout.
ODT dial switch value – EL to SB mode.
A1 tab at 24 volts – any switching device which raises A1 tab to 24VAC.
In addition the Furnace Interface module (EZ3, EM3, etc.) sends a signal via J2-4 (blue, high DC)
Load Control interrupt (open blues)
Front panel switch
Added remote switch, “SB” tab to common
Electro-Helps V
has additional troubleshooting conditions that will help evaluate
SB (Gas) 5-Minute Safety
– when in the standby mode (see previous section) there is a 5-minute
timer which begins at each heat call. If after the 5 minutes the ST sensor is less than 80°, the
logic board itself goes into an automatic reset and restart. This simply means it attempts to begin
the heat cycle using electric in case the furnace did not ignite or “out of gas”. However, if it is in
the SB mode because of Load Control it will still remain SB and try the gas furnace again. The
system will never go back to electric if Load Control is set for on-peak or A1 tab high.
Typically this is disabled for boiler control applications.
Analyzer or PC software can disable this function.
As an added non-freeze safety feature, the program counts these 5-minute resets. If
the count reaches 40 (200 minutes) and each time the ST is still less than 80°, the
system will revert back to electric to bring up the temperature of the building, one
thermostat cycle only.
Delay, transfer from electric to standby
– because there are a multitude of gas furnaces which
turn off the blower during their internal heat exchanger warm-up, there is a 1-minute delay before
the gas furnace receives the W input. During this 1-minute the gas furnace G function remains
high allowing the blower to purge out the heat on the Electro-Mate elements. After the 1-minute
the G function drops and the gas furnace W function goes high.
Delay, transfer from standby to electric
– if the unit was operating in SB for more than 1
minute, the follow-up transfer back to electric engages a 2-minute delay before the HP
compressor relay is activated and any of the electric stages are activated. The blower will react to
the call for heat, but the elements will stay off for 2 minutes in order for the blower to cool down