Instruction Handbook KL
Chapter 4
BA KL V11 en
page 4-5
Correctly dimensioning the piping for use at the pressure end of the pump will be imperative in order
to ensure that any unnecessary pressure build-up is avoided when pumping viscous media. The
pressure provided in the data sheet must not be exceeded.
Observe the supply pressure stated in the data sheet with regard to pressure resistance in the pipe.
Flush out pipe system and supply devices before fitting, and remove all foreign matter.
If possible, pass the intake or suction pipe such that the pipe cannot empty itself in the event of a
pump shutdown (shutoff devices, siphon, etc.). This avoids dry-running at start-up.
Connecting the pipes
Flush out und clean the pipes.
About elastic seals connect pump with Pipe system.
For dismantling the pump, provide shutoff devices and adjusting pieces for use on the piping at the
pressure end of the pump.
Directly behind the discharge nozzle secure the pump by means of approved safety valve or
pressure monitoring.
Possible damage
Do not use the pump unit to support pipes! Pipes are to be mounted as much as possible
free of all forces and torques.
When making pipe connections, observe the permissible forces and torques at these
connections (see following table)!
Bolted connections must not be loaded with torques resulting in the pipe becoming
clamped or loosened inside the pump housing.