(888) 253-0777
Maintenance, Liability, and Guarantee
With proper use and maintenance, the wheelchair
is designed to last a lifetime. When you need
replacement parts
for the wheels, harnesses, and other wear-and-tear items, they may
be purchased at
. The wheelchair
frame will not rust. All components can be removed and cleaned.
Oiling is not necessary.
Limited Liability:
Walkin’ Wheels
is provided as a walking aid
for animals that are under the care of a veterinarian and for which
a wheelchair has been recommended. Wheels for Pets, LLC, and
its affi liates, agents, and distributors make no representation to the
eff ectiveness or appropriateness of this product.
The Walkin’ Wheels
wheelchair frame is guaranteed
by the manufacturer, Wheels for Pets, LLC, for fi ve years from the
date of purchase against defects in material or workmanship. If the
frame breaks under normal usage, please let us know and we will
repair or replace the wheelchair at our option. You are responsible
for all shipping charges. Warranty is non-transferable.
Return Policy:
If you try the wheelchair and it does not work
for your pet because of the design or fi t, call us within 30 days from
the day the wheelchair arrived. If we can’t correct it, we will issue
a return authorization number (RA). If refurbishing is needed due
to scratches or wear, this will reduce your refund. The RA# must
be written on the outside of shipping box or a refund will not be
considered. A Return Authorization Form is required for returns.
This form is included in the “Important Document” plastic sleeve on
the outside of the shipping box, or you may download it at: