Questions or Fitting Evaluation?
(888) 253-0777
Or email:
If you need a fi tting evaluation, we
are here to assist you. Email us side
and rear view photos of your pet in
the wheelchair. Make sure that you
put your sales receipt number on the
subject line, so we can identify who
sent it. Or you may call us during
business hours.
Ready to Start Rolling?
1. Leg Rings: Pick up your pet and set him/her into the Leg Rings.
Each leg goes inside the ring. The abdomen will rest on the
middle Velcro piece holding the rings together. The rear toe pads
should touch the ground. Use stirrups if pet's legs are paralyzed.
2. Front Harness: Take off comfort sleeves.
Unhook the blue and black strap, and leave the
harness attached to the front knobs. Set pet’s
front legs in front of the red strap on the front
harness. Take the blue strap over the back and
clip in place. Put the black strap in front of the
chest and clip in place. Adjust all three straps
so they are snug. Put comfort sleeves back on.
Tuck the excess strapping into the black comfort sleeves.
Note: If you need to wash the harness at some point, you can remove
it by unscrewing the knobs on each side, and then removing the
screws and washers.
Wheel Sizes
Your wheelchair will come with either 2” or 4” wheels attached
to the struts. The wheels are all-terrain and will not puncture.
If they eventually wear out, you can buy replacements: