Operating Instructions
Oil Pressure Warning Light/Horn
The oil pressure warning light and horn signal
indicate that engine oil pressure is below the safe
operating level [below 3 to 5 PSI (21 to 34 kPa)].
light (and warning horn)
will come on when
the ignition is turned
but should go off after the
engine is started. If the light fails to come on when
the ignition switch is turned
it could indicate a
burned out bulb. If the light comes on during
engine operation, stop the engine immediately and
correct the source of the problem before further
engine operation.
Continued operation of the engine
with an illuminated oil pressure warning light
cause severe engine damage (if a low oil pressure
condition exists).
Engine Service Light
The engine service light indicates that the engine
Electronic Control Unit (ECU) has detected a fault
in the engine performance. When this light illumi-
nates during operation, contact an authorized
Briggs & Stratton Service dealer to diagnose the
Continued operation of the engine
with an illuminated engine service light will result in
sub-standard performance and
cause engine
damage if not corrected as soon as possible.
Over Temperature Warning Light/Horn
The over temperature warning light and horn signal
indicate that the engine oil temperature is above
the safe operating limit (350° F or 177° C) and the
engine is overheating.
If this light comes on,
there may be a problem with the engine cooling
system (material packed into cylinder head cooling
fins, clogged air intake screen, etc.). Stop the
engine and correct the source of the problem
before further operation.
Continued operation of the engine
with an illuminated over temperature warning light
cause severe engine damage if a high cylin-
der head temperature condition exists.
Engine Warning Lights/Horn
Oil Pressure
Warning Light
Engine Service
Over Temperature
Warning Light