Geofence Boundary Training
With all forms of boundary training you will go through a few phases; In this section we will walk you through
best practices for boundary training to include: (1) visual boundary training, (2) the addition of corrections and (3)
training with distractions.
Let’s start with the setting of each training session. We recommend having some simple playtime with your
dog prior to each training session. This will help your dog to be interested in you as the trainer. Next, your dog
should be wearing his or her favorite collar with the Wagz Freedom Smart device securely attached. A leash
should also be attached before you begin the training. Please be sure all Wagz corrections are turned off if your
dog has not learned the visual portion of the training.
Allow the pet to explore around the geofenced area (visually supported by the flags). As your dog gets within
6 feet of the boundary, give your version of the “NO” command and lead the dog back into the safe area.
During the training make sure to reward and praise your pet for their good behavior of listening to your
commands. Cover as much of the geofenced area as possible during the training session, but keep in mind that
younger dogs have a shorter attention span and therefore, will not be able to train for long durations of time. It’s
for this reason that it is recommended to conduct trainings multiple times a day.
After a few training sessions or days you should turn ON the Wagz audible tone correction in the Wagz App.
Con-tinue the training as previously described with one change: As the audible tone is emitted from the Wagz
Freedom Collar, lead your dog back into the safe zone. Once your dog learns to turn back into the safe zone
when hearing the audible tone and without being tugged by the leash, be sure to give them praise and rewards.
The final portion of the training is adding in the vibration and/or ultrasonic corrections. We recommend you add
one correction at a time to help your dog understand what they are. Continue with the training as stated
above, and begin offering treats when they turn back into the safe zone after receiving the correction. While
you may not be able to hear the vibration or the ultrasonic frequency, the audible tone goes off at the same time
to help you know when to reward or lead them back into a safe zone.
After completing the corrections training, we suggest you try adding distractions. For this portion, a longer leash
can be helpful. Start a training session as you have in the past, and after a few minutes of training, introduce a
distrac-tion outside of the geofenced area. Family members walking just outside of the boundary are a great
first test. If your pet runs toward them but stops at the boundary line, praise and reward them. Additional
distractions include tossing a toy out of the geofenced area.
If your dog attempts to go through a geofenced area, give the “NO” command and pull/lead your pet back into
the safe area. Once they have returned inside of the geofence give them praise and rewards for returning.
If your dog goes through a geofence you will need to spend some time without distractions to reinforce the
previous training.
Geofence Training: Geofence Boundary Training
3 Geofence Training (cont.)