How The Training Process Works
All pet containment systems require a pet owner to train their dog to stay within set
boundaries. Because no two dogs are alike, there is no specific “one size fits all” way to train a dog.
Therefore, the pet owner needs to use a “what’s best for my specific dog” approach. The training
outlined here is a great place to start and is used today by many professional trainers. However, if
you find that this approach does not work for your specific dog, you can research other methods of
corrections training or ask your veterinarian for recommendations.
Generally speaking, dogs are reward seekers, meaning if there is a positive consequence to their
actions, they will do more of the same behavior. Of course, the opposite is true with negative
consequences. With that in mind, we have found it effective when training dogs with the Wagz
Freedom Smart Dog Collar to have a few basics in place.
First, what is the reward? Treats and toys are the most common rewards given during any
training exercise. Therefore, when training your dog with our geofence containment system be
sure to have your rewards ready and have lots of them! We have also found it extremely helpful to
use a common, repetitive phrase when rewarding your dog, such as “good girl/boy”.
Second, what is the “punishment” or negative consequence of bad behavior? Of course, we are
not suggesting anything like physical punishment, but a tug on a leash while learning boundaries
and the famous “NO” command, when delivered sternly, can be considered the “punishment” and
equally effective.
Third, when and where to train? Visual training aids for geofence boundaries are extremely helpful
and effective for both you and your dog. One of the most common visuals for training your dog to stay
with-in boundaries is the use of flags. By placing flags regularly around your property where the
geofence boundaries are, your dog will learn to respect the boundaries. Once he learns the
boundaries, you can gradually remove the flags little by little until they are all gone.
It will take multiple, repetitive training sessions a day over the course of some weeks until your dog
un-derstands the set boundaries, where the boundaries are located and what it means when they
cross them.
Geofence Training:
How The Training Process Works
.1 Geofence Training