List of Tables 317
750-8100 PFC100; 2ETH; ECO
Version 1.6.0, valid from FW Version 03.02.02(14)
Table 226:: 2 Channel Analog Input Modules HART + 6 bytes Mailbox ............ 283
Table 227: 4 Channel Analog Input Modules .................................................... 283
Table 228: 8 Channel Analog Input Modules .................................................... 284
Table 229: 3-Phase Power Measurement Module ............................................ 285
Table 230: 3-Phase Power Measurement Modules 750-494, -495, (and all
Table 231: 2 Channel Analog Output Modules ................................................. 287
Table 232: 4 Channel Analog Output Modules ................................................. 287
Table 233: Counter Modules 750-404, (and all variations except of /000-005),
Table 234: Counter Modules 750-404/000-005, 753-404/000-005 ................... 289
Table 236: Counter Modules 750-638, 753-638 ............................................... 290
Table 237: Pulse Width Modules 750-511, /xxx-xxx, 753-511 .......................... 291
Table 238: Serial Interface Modules with Alternative Data Format.................... 292
Table 239: Serial Interface Modules with Standard Data Format ...................... 292
Table 240: Serial Interface Modules 750-652, 753-652 .................................... 293
Table 241: Data Exchange Module 750-654, -654/000-001 ............................. 293
Table 242: SSI Transmitter Interface Modules ................................................. 294
Table 243: SSI Transmitter Interface I/O Modules with an Alternative Data Format
Table 244: Incremental Encoder Interface Modules 750-631/000-004, --010, -
Table 245: Incremental Encoder Interface Modules 750-634............................ 295
Table 246: Incremental Encoder Interface Modules 750-637, (and all variations)
Table 247: Digital Pulse Interface Modules 750-635, 753-635 .......................... 296
Table 248: DC-Drive Controller 750-636, -636/000-700, -636/000-800 ............ 296
Table 249: Stepper Controller 750-670, -671, -672 .......................................... 297
Table 251: DALI Multi-Master Module 753-647 in the "Easy" Mode .................. 299
Table 252: DALI Multi-Master Module 753-647 in the "Full" Mode .................... 301
FTT Module 753-648 ............................................................ 302
Table 254: EnOcean Radio Receiver 750-642 ................................................. 302
Table 255: MP Bus Master Module 750-643 .................................................... 303
RF-Transceiver 750-644 ............................................... 304
Table 257: Vibration Velocity/Bearing Condition Monitoring VIB I/O 750-645 ... 304
Table 258: KNX/EIB/TP1 Module 753-646 ....................................................... 305
Table 259: AS-interface Master Module 750-655, 753-655 .............................. 306
Table 260: System Modules with Diagnostics 750-606, -611 ............................ 307
Table 261: System Modules with Diagnostics 750-610, -611 ............................ 307
Table 262: Filter Modules 750-624/020-002, 750-626/020-002 ........................ 307
Table 263: Binary Space Module 750-622 (with Behavior like 2 Channel Digital