Counter function
767-5401 4DIO 24V DC 0.2A HS (4xM12)
Version 1.1.0
Pos: 39 /Serie 767 ( WAGO-SPEED WAY)/Sonderfunkti onen/I/O-Module/Z ähler/Z ählerfunktion 767- 54xx_1 Z ähler, X1 ... X4 @ 12\mod_1328628118116_21.docx @ 88014 @ 122333 @ 1
Counter function
The module provides a counter, which can be controlled both via the connections
X1 … X4 of the module as well as via the process data (control and status byte).
The counter has a counter input (impulse input), two configurable control inputs
(gate input, count direction), as well as a configurable switching output, which is
set automatically by the module upon reaching a limit value. This way, quick
reaction times can be achieved, which are not dependent on the fieldbus and the
Default gate function
The gate function is activated in the control byte by default. This bit must be
enabled to use the counter functions (see section „Control Byte“).
The counting takes place edge-controlled; that is, the counter status is incremented
or decremented when there is a change of the signal on the impulse input from
0 V to 24 V, depending on the configuration of the counter as an up or down
There are three operating modes available for the counter:
Event counter
This counts the impulses detected on the impulse input.
Gate time counter
It counts the impulses within a definable gate time (time window in which
the measurement takes place). For the gate time of 1 second, you get the
frequency of the input signal in Hertz. The gate time counter can be
configured via the process data.
Pulse duration counter
This counts the pulse duration in milliseconds.
If the channels are assigned to a counter, you can still configure all available
adjustable channel properties (e.g. inversion or filtering).
Figure 20: Counter status depending on the control inputs (gate and count direction input)
Count direction
Counter value