767-5401 4DIO 24V DC 0.2A HS (4xM12)
Version 1.1.0
Pos: 30.14 /Serie 767 ( WAGO-SPEED WAY)/Parametrier en/I/O-Module/Parametrier ung 767-54xx Parameter der Ein-/Ausgänge i n den unterschi edl . Betri ebsarten @ 12\mod_1337169574203_21.docx @ 95250 @ 23333 @ 1
Input and Output Parameters
Manually-set outputs in manual operation mode!
In manual operation mode (setup mode), software protection mechanisms do not
monitor the motion of individual machine components.
The outputs in manual operation mode that were set with WAGOframe remain
active until you manually reset them or restart the fieldbus coupler. The protective
shutdown of software proves ineffective in this case.
In manual operation mode, personnel are not allowed to stay in the danger area of
the machine components.
Selecting the operating mode
Specify in which operating mode the module should be operated. When using
DIO mode, each connection in the DTM can be configured as a digital input or
Table 1: Overview of operating modes
Operating type
DO module
Operation as digital output module.
DI module
Operation as digital input module.
DIO module (Default mode, all channels as DI)
Operation as digital input and output module.
DIO 1 counter
Operation as digital input and output module
with one counter.
Changing the operation mode
After changing the operation mode, reset the WAGO Speedway system.