Product manual | Version: 2.1.0
Opens the “Device Default Settings” dialog
Load onto device
All read/write variables that are accessible in the present user role are transferred.
However, this does not take into account whether menus are expanded or hidden, e.g.,
due to the operating mode selection.
Load from device
All variables that are accessible in the present user role are transferred. However, this
does not take into account whether menus are expanded or hidden, e.g., due to the
operating mode selection.
Enable loading of dynamic parameters
Cyclic variable loading is enabled for variables that are marked as “Dynamic.”
Operating mode for writing parameters
“block write mode“: Variables can first be edited without being transferred. Edited vari-
ables are marked with “c.” A yellow download arrow appears, which then initiates
transfer of the modified variables.
“direct mode“: Variables are transferred directly after modification.
Commands (write only) are always transferred immediately, independent of this set-
Loading modified parameters (yellow down arrow)
Progress bar
With IO-Link, table sections (menus) can be hidden and unhidden with conditions. If a
variable that is used as a condition is edited, the menu display changes that depend on
it do not take effect until they are transferred into the device or the tool’s database. In
“block write mode,” you should always first write/transfer this variable and then edit it
further. Device Default Settings
Settings for the specific device type are saved here in and apply across projects.
Settings for the Scope tab
State indicating whether the IODD table headers are expanded or collapsed
Value of variables with “Read/Write” access rights
For “Scope” and “Menu”, there are usually sensible default settings that can always be
used for this product type. Saving and loading values (parameter sets) is a convenient
way to keep pre-settings available for different application cases for the product type.
They can also easily be transferred between projects.
Any number of settings can be saved; in each case, you can specify whether Scope,
Menu and Values are saved. The first row always contains the settings with the name
“default.’ A setting for “Scope” and “Menu” should be prepared here that makes the most
sense initially for the specific device. The “New ever with default” checkbox can be used
to specify whether these settings are then always loaded automatically when new project
planning is performed for this device type.
Store Default