1. General Safety Guidelines
The following safety advice is deemed to protect against
dangers that can arise from improper handling of the de-
vice, whether knowingly or unknowingly.
We distinguish between general advice which is given on
this page and special advice which can be found in the texts
of the instructions. Watch for the symbols!
Qualification of the installer
Setting up, installation and commissioning of the CIRCO 5
solar circulation unit must be carried out by a qualified in-
Please note that in case of a fault report the guarantee ben-
efits can only be claimed if the correct commissioning has
been certified by a qualified person in the commissioning
Use and application
The CIRCO 5 solar circulation unit is suitable for solar hot
water systems and solar heating systems together with an-
tifreeze solar as recommended.
Limitations of use
Use is limited to the hydraulic layout of the schematic
drawings supplied by Wagner and Co.
Some solar installations for space heating and the appli-
cation of vacuum tube collectors do require special
means of overheating protection, like the installation of
an auxiliary vessel or alternative positioning of the safety
The CIRCO 5 solar circulation unit can be mounted to a
wall or directly to the storage cylinder.
The CIRCO 5 solar circulation unit must not be mounted
Norms and guidelines
EC conformity declaration
The CIRCO 5 solar circulation unit has been designed
and constructed in accordance with EU regulations.
Please regard national and EU regulations and guide-
lines for installation work.
to Persons
Live-threatening electrical shocks, burns, bruising and
other health hazards are possible during installation.
Please ensure that you pay attention to guidelines that are
indicated with this symbol in the documentation.
Danger to Property
This symbol indicates that damage may be done to compo-
nents of the solar circuit or the function of the same may be
impaired seriously. Please make sure that you follow the in-
stallation procedure step by step as instructed.
for Additional Information
This symbol points to practical advice, tricks of the trade
which will make the installation and operation of the solar
circuit easier.