A08 - 25.09.2015
6. Troubleshooting
This checklist is a guideline for the most common problems that occur in practice. It is a
convenient first approach to various issues that will help you save time when working or
1. Transmitter / receiver without function (display off)
A. Check power source
--> Power source (battery/camera/mains adapter)
--> Cable (broken?)
--> Contacts (pins, connector)
B. ON/OFF switch (only V-Mount TX, Handheld RX and V-Mount RX)
2. No video signal
A. Check signal feeding at the transmitter
--> Signal source (camera/player)
--> Configuration of video output (no CVBS, SD/HD-SDI only)
--> Cable (according the specifications)
--> Contacts (pins, connector)
B. Check wiring
--> SDI OUT (source) --> SDI IN (transmitter)
--> SDI OUT (receiver) --> SDI IN (monitor)
Connect the SDI Output of the receiver directly to a monitor without further peripheral
equipment in-between, in order to avoid further possible error sources.
(signal converter or distributor)
Ideally you are able to compare both the clean video source with the receiver output signal
in order to come to a conclusion
C. Display of video format at transmitters display
--> Disconnect and re-connect the BNC connector at the transmitter
--> automatic detection of the video format
If the transmitter, despite an error-free check-up of the previous points, does not automatically
show a video format, the fed video signal might not be in accordance with the necessary
SD-SDI/HD-SDI specification (SD-SDI: SMPTE 259M; HD-SDI: SMPTE 292M)
-> if possible cross-check with a standardized signal
D. Check settings and parameters
--> Identical channels at transmitter and receiver
--> in case of multiple pairs of TX/RX: distinct choice of channels
--> Display: Tuner not locked ?
--> transmission system operates in line of sight (5m line-of-sight LOS)?
--> correct antenna (frequency range) in use?
--> Antenna(cable) properly connected?
Should these 3 previous points be correct, please contact the corresponding service
for your area.