A08 - 25.09.2015
Before operation
2. Before operation
2.3. Alignment and positioning of the antennas
» Are the antennas put at a distance from the system via cables ?
Please do pay attention to the length of the antenna cable. Just exclusively use the cable
"AirCell 7" (3m, TNC male / TNC female, Art.No.: 752010006), which is available as an accessory!
Please pay special attention to the quality of the cable and plugs used!
DX-cable Aircell 7
Cable attenuation: .
@2,4GHz: 0,36dB per metre
@5,8GHz: 0,65dB per metre
Effect on the range:
at 3dB attenuation: range divided by 1,5
at 6dB attenuation: range divided by 2
at 12dB attenuation: range divided by 4
Calculation example: if you remote the antennas at a 5,8GHz-receiver with a 10m long
antenna cable from the system, the attenuation due to the cable will be 6,5dB.
If the range without antenna cable was 2000m, then the range will reduce to 1000m
because of the antenna cable (range 2000m divided by 2).