Using the WebUI
VSP716A Administrator and Provisioning Manual
Blacklist Import/Export
The best way to create a blacklist file for import is to first export the blacklist from the
VSP716A. After exporting the file, open it in an .xml editor and add or modify entries.
Importing a blacklist file adds the imported blacklist entries to existing entries. Therefore, it
is possible to have duplicate entries after importing a blacklist file. If you are importing a
"complete" blacklist file with the aim of replacing the entire current blacklist, use
Select All
to clear the blacklist before importing the file.
Blacklist files are .xml files that have the following tags:
Using the configuration file, you can set whether an imported blacklist file adds to
or replaces existing entries. See
“file Module: Imported File Parameters” on
Blacklist WebUI field
Blacklist file XML tag
First Name
Last Name
Work Number
Mobile Number
Other Number