some reason your settings have been changed and you don’t remember what they need
to be at, you can reset them to factory settings at the bottom of the screen.
Make sure that after any settings changes or tank reset you hit the “Save” button at the
bottom right of the screen
Boom Connection Positions
The picture below shows where your hose camlock sections hook up from your spray
boom to your sprayer. The left valve connects to the driver’s side of the three lane
boom. The center valve connects to the middle boom. The right right valve connects to
the passenger side boom. When assembling your hoses, make sure you make it long
enough to reach the furthest of two connection points for each connection on the boom.
A roll of 1” hose and a bag of barbed parts and hose clamps is included with each spray
unit as pictured below.
Valve Functions
Proper valve positioning is vital to your sprayer working correctly for each given task.
Best rule of thumb is that any valves low down on the unit entering the lower part of the
pump housing are suction side valves and any valves high up or connected to the top
side of the pump are pressure side valves.