3x12mm screw
Trial fit the push rod into the wing. Join the pushrod to the retract
gear arm and trial fit the retract into the wing.
After checking that the retract works smoothly, fix the retract on the
wing with 3x12mm screws
1- Using a pencil, mark the center of the brace.
2- Trial fit the wing joiner into one of the wing panels. It should
insert smoothly up to the center line marked above.
3- Slide the other wing half onto the dihedral brace until
the wing panel meet. If the fit is over tight, it may be
necessary to lightly sand the dihedral brace.
4- Check for the correct dihedral angle.
5- Mix approximately 30 minute epoxy and apply a generous amount of epoxy into the wing joiner cavity of one wing half.
6- Coat one half of the dihedral brace with epoxy up to the center line. Install the epoxy-coated side of the dihedral brace
into the wing joiner cavity up to the center line, marking sure that the “V” of the dihedral brace is positioned correctly
7- Do the same way with the other wing half.
8- Carefully slide the wing halves together, ensuring that they are accurately aligned. Firmly press the two halves
together, allowing the excess epoxy to run out. Clear off the excess epoxy.
Center line
Aileron servo
Included with the
radio set
Plastic control horn
2x20mm screw
Aileron extension cord
Secure one end of the aileron
extension cord with adhesive tape
Querruder servo
Nehmen Sie Epoxykleber, um die
Tragflachen fest miteinander zu Verbinden
und streifen Sie den herausquellenden
Kleber nach dem Verbinden mit einem
fusselfreien Tuch SOFORT ab!
1- Retract landing gear / Fahwerk
2- Aileron servo / Querruder servo
3- Joining the wing / Flache
Use epoxy glue to bury the opening
Retract pushrod
3x12mm schraube
Ansicht von unten
Bottom view
Ansicht von unten
Bottom view /
3x12mm screw
Steel clevis
Wing joiner
WARNING: Please do not clean off the excess epoxy on the wing with strong solvent or pure alcohol, only use
kerosene to keep the colour of your model not fade.