AUTO (underfloor heating or two-pipe systems)
AUTO function (factory set) adapts the pump operating parameters to the current
heating system demand. Since the pump operating parameters change slowly, it is
recommended to leave the pump with the AUTO function activated before making changes to the
pump settings, for at least a week. In AUTO mode, the pump stores the last operating parameters.
If you select the AUTO function again, the pump will return to the last settings in AUTO mode.
Pump has the option of selecting automatic night reduction. Factory setting for
automatic night setback: inactive.
Following conditions must be met to ensure proper operation of the automatic night setback:
Pump must be mounted on the supply pipe. Automatic night setback does not work if the
pump is mounted on the return pipe.
The installation (boiler) must be equipped with automatic liquid temperature control. Automatic
night reduction is activated by pressing the night reduction button.
From the moment the automatic night reduction is activated, the pump will automatically
change its performance between normal operation and night reduction. Changing the operating
mode between night reduction and normal operation depends on the temperature of the liquid
flowing in the pipe. The pump automatically switches to night reduction mode when the sensor
registers a drop in liquid temperature by more than 10-15 ° C in about 2 hours. The temperature
drop must be at least 0.1 ° C / min. The return to normal operation will take place without a time
delay if the medium temperature rises by approx. 10 ° C.
Operation with automatic night reduction is not possible if the pump has been set to
constant speed I, II or III.
[email protected] (58) 341-05-06 | [email protected] (58) 341-38-80 | [email protected] (22) 100-42-99
Informs about active automatic night reduction
Automatic pump adjustment function
Lowest characteristic curve with proportional pressure control
Highest characteristic curve with proportional pressure control
Lowest characteristics at constant pressure control
Highest characteristics at constant pressure control
Constant characteristics, gear III
Constant characteristics, gear II
Constant characteristics, gear I