Removing the ball head
First read and observe the introductoryinformation and safety warnings
Electronic parking brake .
ailer and disconnect the electrical connection between the vehicle and the trailer.
If fitted, remove adapters from the trailer socket.
Fig. 155 ⑧ from the lock in the locking lever and insert the key ⑦ into
the lock.
e key ⑦ anti-clockwise until the part of the key with the hole is at the top.
② with your hand.
⑨ and at the same time press the locking lever ⑥ down as far as it will go
. The ball head is pre-tensioned.
⑥ and stow the pre-tensioned ball head safely with the vehicle toolkit.
② with your hand.
damage to the mounting.
The removable ball head is heavy. The ball head could fall while it is being removed. This could cause
Notes on towing a trailer