If you make a mistake when rocking free the vehicle, it can sink deeper and you will need assistance
to free the vehicle.
When you cannot move forwards
Carefully dig out all the wheels and check that no other parts of the vehicle are stuck in the sand.
Select reverse gear.
Reverse in your own tracks with gentle use of the accelerator.
If this does not help, place brushwood, foot mats or sacking directly in front of the wheels to
increase grip
Rocking the vehicle free
Never allow the wheels to spin for long periods as this will cause the vehicle to sink deeper
Switch off TCS
Brake support systems .
Position the steering wheel so that it is facing straight ahead.
Reverse until the point where the wheels just start to spin.
Immediately select first gear and drive forwards until the wheels start to spin again.
Repeat driving back and forth until you have enough momentum to free yourself.
Switch the TCS on after the rocking free procedure is completed
Brake support systems .
Use the Offroad driving profile.
No one must stand either in front or behind the vehicle, particularly if you are attempting to free a
stuck vehicle.
Spinning wheels can propel stones, brushwood, pieces of wood or other objects that are in front or
behind the wheels at enormous speed and cause potentially fatal injury.
People standing in front of or behind the vehicle could be run over if the stuck vehicle starts to move
After offroad driving
First read and observe the introductoryinformation and safety warnings
Clean the turn signals, lighting system, the number plate and all windows.