and terms and conditions of use. Volkswagen has no influence over the content exchanged in these
Please refer to the provider in question for information about the type, scope and purpose of the
collection and use of personal data related to third-party services.
Incorrect use of the diagnostic interface can cause malfunctions, which can result in accidents and
serious injuries.
Volkswagen recommends using a Volkswagen dealership for this purpose.
Please note the further information on Volkswagen Car-Net services
Mobile online services .
Information stickers and plates
Stickers and plates showing important information for vehicle operation are factory-fitted in the
engine compartment and on certain vehicle parts.
ers or
plates with the same information must be applied properly to the new parts by the qualified
Safety certificate
There is a safety certificate on the door pillar of the driver door which states that all necessary safety
standards and specifications from the transport safety authorities of the particular country were met
at the time of production. The month and year of production and the vehicle identification number
may also be listed. Observe notes in the owner's manual.
Handling the vehicle incorrectly will increase the risk of accident and injuries.
Handling the vehicle incorrectly could lead to the vehicle becoming damaged.